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For ZEM4310 integration module
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Breakout to 2-mm Headers

The BRK4310 breakout board provides an easy connection to both high-density (HSMC) connectors on the BRK4310 by routing all signals to six 40-pin 2-mm headers. It also includes a power connector to provide +5VDC to the ZEM4310.

Note: 2-mm headers are not included.

JTAG Connections

Access to the FPGA’s JTAG interface is provided by a 0.1″ connector compatible with the Terasic USB ByteBlaster or Altera ByteBlaster JTAG hosts for applications such as Signal Tap.

Technical Specifications and Support

Design Template

Detailed physical dimensions are available in the ZEM4310 User’s Manuals. Full Altium Designer design files and Gerber files are available to on our Download Page.