Opal Kelly Blog

FrontPanel 5.2.2 Release – FPoIP Updates

Our latest software update release is focused on several improvements to FrontPanel over IP. In addition to updates to the server and API themselves, we’ve introduced a new Javascript library (using TypeScript). The EVB100X Reference Design software has also been updated with a new look & feel and a Javascript version to support FPoIP. Check out details below!

With FrontPanel over IP, you can access your devices anywhere on the internet. And the server runs on just about anything from embedded devices like Raspberry Pi or nVidia Tegra to a macMini or standard PC.

FrontPanel 5.2.2 Released

FPoIP server updates, Ruby support for Windows, several bug fixes. A lot to love for a minor release.

Release Notes >>>

FrontPanel Javascript

Create browser-based applications for the ultimate in portability, convenience, and access. The WebAPI will work from any browser with JavaScript support.

Server-Side Scripting

Low-latency execution for critical hardware / software loops to shortcut long network transit times.

Learn more >>>

FrontPanel Server

Supporting Windows, macOS, and Linux environments, servers can be as simple as ARM-based Linux embedded platforms from the humble Raspberry Pi to the venerable nVidia Jetson TX2. Learn mode >>>

EVB100X Reference Design (New V2)

Get a big head start on your data acquisition project with a complete FrontPanel SDK reference design.

  • Support for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Javascript
  • Multi-threaded data pipeline
  • I2C HDL module to communicate with the image sensor
  • Multi-module and multi-camera compatibility.
  • HDL, C++, and Javascript sources included with the Developer’s Release
  • New in Version 2

    • FrontPanel over IP support via Javascript in-browser version
    • High-DPI display support
    • Modern look & feel
    • Deep frame buffering using on-board SDRAM
    • Multiple improvements and bug fixes

    Learn more or visit the EVB100X User’s Manual for more information.