Government / Military

BHO Instruments
Homeland security, military
XEM3001, XEM3005
BHO Instruments develops data acquisition and processing systems for x-ray and gamma-ray semiconductor radiation detectors.
Look Dynamics
Look Dynamics develops and sells equipment for analyzing satellite imagery to government customers. It uses Opal Kelly’s XEM3010 modules as daughter boards to move data to/from the Look Dynamics system and a PC.
NuWaves Engineering
NuWaves Engineering is a premier supplier of RF Systems, Subsystems, Products, and Engineering Services for industrial, military and commercial markets. Mike Trimble, Project Engineer at NuWaves says, “Opal Kelly is the digital brains going from the 8-bit world into a proprietary module.”
Black Forest Engineering
Military and research
Black Forest Engineering specializes in applications focusing on 3D imaging and IR cameras primarily used by the military and research labs to evaluate technology. The company uses Opal Kelly’s XEM3010 module to control the read out of ICs (ROICs), read back the image data, and format the data into a Camera Link Camera Interface that is captured by a computer with a Camera Link frame grabber.
Military flight simulators
CAE is a world leader in providing simulation and modeling technologies and integrated training solutions for the civil aviation industry and defense forces around the globe. The Opal Kelly XEM3001 module is used in CAE’s Optical Encoder for Telescope application.

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